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CLOUD questions for JTP 23 February 2021

QUESTIONS FOR JTP MEETING 23 FEB 2021 - Charles Campion JTP replies in blue


Aim to establish what will be covered in JTP Masterplan and what won’t.


  1. Houses - will the Masterplan fix the total number to be built in BGV and to what standard (Passiv house, future-proofed etc).

  2. Will Masterplan provide any recommendations about new area west of canal running down to Glasson - no of houses and when to be built?

  3. Will Masterplan provide a map of BGV showing roads, cycle and pedestrian routes and location of houses etc

  4. Will Masterplan cover access from BGV into Lancaster city centre - public transport, cycle superhighway etc

  5. Will Masterplan show how railway line will be crossed and access provided to M6?

  6. Will Masterplan address concerns over access for BGV construction traffic?

  7. Will Masterplan set out water management scheme for BGV - to keep run-off to existing levels or to provide improvement?  Will this be confined to within BGV or will it address local flooding issues such as Galgate, lying outside the BGV boundary?

  8. Will Masterplan provide employment areas within BGV and/or identify what sort of jobs are likely to be attracted there?

  9. How will the Masterplan address the many and often critical responses to JTP’s consultation on Likes and Dislikes?

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