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  • Mary Breakell

19 February 2019 Planning Applications and Capacity Funding

1 Chapel Lane Approval

Application Number 18/00335/FUL Proposal Erection of 32 dwellings (C3) with associated access and landscaping

In June, when the application was made, there were 44 statements in opposition and none in favour. Issues raised relate to the increased risk of flooding, loss of green

fields, worsening of air quality, further strain on Galgate medical services,

the visual impact on St John’s Church and the Silk Mill, and very serious

concerns about road safety on Chapel Lane - narrow, sinuous, lacking

continuous footpaths, and therefore dangerous to walkers, cyclists and


There was an especially strong objection from the Parish Council.

Originally the application was due to be heard in November, with the same number of speakers in opposition but was deferred.

The 9 residents spoke for 3 minutes each at the meeting.

This application was approved. Here is a link to the Planning Meeting minutes

The following link gives a full overview of the discussion, including summaries of the the speeches made by objectors.

2 Kit Brow Lane, Ellel, Planning Application Reference 19/00133/OUT

Address:  Condergarth Kit Brow Lane Ellel Lancaster Lancashire LA2 0QQ

Proposal Outline application for up to 25 residential dwellings with associated access

The above links can be used to lodge comments as part of the consultation which runs to March 1 2019.

3. Capacity Funding for Lancaster City Council for Bailrigg Garden Village

Lancaster City Council has been awarded £100,000 capacity funding for Bailrigg Garden Village-, not to be confused with the Housing Infrastructure Fund bid.

One way to interpret this :

This won't pay for anything material, just more "paperwork", and it's at the minimum end of the scale (compared to others).

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